Get the Settlement You Deserve for your Bicycle Accident

Bicycling has always been a popular recreational activity, however, it also is a means for people to commute to work or make deliveries. Although bicyclists are required to ride safely and obey all applicable traffic laws, motor vehicle drivers must share the road with bicyclists and exercise reasonable care not to injure others. Nonetheless, bicyclists are injured in accidents every day in New Jersey. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to bring a lawsuit for compensation.

For over 20 years the experience , aggressive lawyers at Cahn & Parra have fought for the rights of injured bicyclists. Over our many years of practice, we have handled many types of bicycle accident cases:

Some of the most common cases arise from a variety of reckless or negligent driver actions, including:

  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to yield while turning left
  • Abrupt right turns
  • Sideswiping
  • Rear-ending
  • Drifting into a bike lane
  • Backing up
  • Pulling out into traffic
  • Running a stop sign or traffic light
  • Opening a car door

At the same time, we have also seen cases in which bicycle accidents were caused by hazardous road conditions, such as cracks, potholes, and other defects that throw bicyclists and cause serious injuries. In these cases, a personal injury claim can be brought against the municipality, such as a department of public works, that is responsible for maintaining the roads.


  • Lacerations and severe bruising
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Jaw and facial injuries
  • Neck and spine injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

At Cahn & Parra, we believe that no one should suffer because of the negligence of others, and we are dedicated to keeping the roads safe for bicyclists. We are keenly aware that being injured in a bicycle accident can be an overwhelming experience, as well as a heavy emotional and financial burden. Our experienced legal team is here to lift those burdens and stand by you on the road to recovery.

Our clients come from all walks of life, from working class people to professionals. Our success rate is extremely high and we have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and jury verdicts. We serve clients in all of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We welcome the privilege to put our rich history to work for you.

CALL NOW! (732)650-0444 and let the attorneys of Cahn & Parra with over 100 Years Experience help get you the Compensation you DESERVE for  your bicycle Injuries